Monday 7 October 2019

A tale of embarrassment

Hello Dearies,

I am back to writing after having this blog page closed for public viewing for last 10 days.

If you have missed me and my blogs then I am really sorry 😓 And you deserve an explanation.

So here is why I have been missing from action:

You see, it was one of those days. I decided to go out in the evening and it started raining elephants and hippos! Not using the correct phrase of "raining cats and dogs" so you get the magnitude of the rains!!

As luck would have it, I had gloriously forgotten my raincoat at home 🙍 I had carried it all summer in my bag pack anticipating this very day. Bummer, I forgot to carry that bag pack. Reached home fully drenched. News flashed all over TV: Flood like situation in my city. It was a rough day because my head (soaking up all the water from the furious rains) was heavy, my mind wandering with many items on my to-do list. 

On top of that, I had a leaking roof which kept flooding my bedroom and which needed cleaning up frequently. But is that a reason enough to stop using whatsapp?? No.. I chatted with multiple people on multiple topics in different windows and managing my chores like a superwoman 😤 Or so I thought about myself!

11 pm: The day was successfully done. I was sooo grateful to crash the bed 😹

2 am: Woke up very weirdly and felt wide awake. So what better way to kill time than to check all the whatsapp msgs.

2.05 am: Sh** Sh** Sh**! I can't believe my eyes 😰 When did this happen? How did this happen?? Now what??

I was not sure if I was feeling hot flushes because of catching fever or because of the acute embarrassment I was feeling.

For no rhyme or reason, I saw that I had erroneously shared this link of my blog page on a professional HR whatsapp group I am part of.  A group which follows a strict, no forward policy. A group which only discusses serious HR issues/policies etc. A group where I am an invisible silent spectator because of having a lack of anything worthwhile to contribute.

And the first time I share something on this group is this, 'Hola Diaries' (Gosh!! Neither does the address sound intelligent nor professional) 🙍😭

So my stressful mind did the best it could think of. I deleted my whatsapp ping (which by then was seen by few group members). It could not be deleted for all but to make me feel better, I deleted it from my phone none the less. I felt like a guilty offender. So to be doubly sure, none of the members read my blog - I made this blog page private too.

Hopefully those who read the blog, I pray that by now, they have forgotten all about it. Indifference is a favourable response in this case.

You may ask, why this sharp retreating reaction from my end? Am I not proud of my blogs?

On the contrary, I am. However it is, good, bad or ugly, it's my baby. And I am fiercely protective about who it is exposed to.

P.S: Even after my hiatus, if you are a reader from that whatsapp group, please note, you are not supposed to be here. But wait, if by chance you like my blogs, please feel free to comment or write to me. Every one on this earth likes to hear good things about their babies ☺💖