Monday 16 September 2019

H2 oooo

Hola Dearies!

This is bliss, writing to you on a Monday morning!

Designing the blog image for this blog is fun too. I know I always end up using a colour which is somewhere between pink and peach - I love it!!

So overall a very good start to my week and this Monday in particular.

And,this I learnt, is what is called as 'Hygge' (pronounced as hue-guh). It is basically a feel good vibe, the comforting feeling which makes you happy and joyful!

If you are thinking that you have never heard of "Hygge" before, both you and me, have missed the boat of the 'Hygge Hype'!

Recently, I came across a very beautiful picture of a bright colourful knitted scarf which was named 'Hygge Scarf' and was super expensive on an e portal. I thought to myself "wow, this sure is a very expensive brand". 
So, to learn more about it, I goggled 'Hygge'. Got to know that it's not an exclusive woollen clothes line. But a Danish word meaning all things beautiful. A feeling which does not really have a translated word in English.

Ironically, like all things beautiful, this concept too is getting exploited or destroyed by some clever marketers who decided to sell goods by using it to sell their goods at a very high premium.

So this blog is an attempt to put things in perspective:

1. We, the human kind, are constantly in search of getting more out of life and so we fall prey to such hype worldwide. (Confession: When I realised I didn't know anything about this much glorified concept, I felt left out. I so wanted to be a part of this Hygge community, to be happy, mindful and comfortable.)

2. We don't really need academic knowledge or research to make us mindful and happy. Sure, it does give us an impetus to focus on the good life. But remember, it's just a feeling, which can also come from simple things like spending time with someone you love or doing things which make you excited.

3.  Real fun is in practising the beautiful concepts of mindfulness, enjoying the now (with whatever you have, plenty or scarce) even after this media wave of "Hygge Hype" is over.

So here's wishing all of you a more sustaining life of peace and joy!

May you all find your bliss sooner than later!
Adios Amigos,

P.S: 1. Yours truly is slowly becoming an international blogger. ✌
Hint: Notice the literature in the blog. Hola, Adios, Amigos - Spanish words.. Hygge - Danish Concept๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜›

2. Blog title:  H2 meant Hygge Hype( in case,you didn't figure it out by now..) And the oooo was just so that I sound scientifically inclined too! ๐Ÿ˜€

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