Monday 11 November 2019

Risen from the ashes...

Hello Dearies,

Looonnnggg Time!

What do I say? 

OK let me start by acknowledging that Mark Twain was really very intelligent.

He just knew me and my psyche. He must have come up with the above thought just so that one day I read it and come back on track.

You see, it's very weird. I treated my blog as a baby for quite some time. Then life happened and somehow I forgot about how important it has been to me. Yes, very shameful but it's true.

It was the festival of Diwali in India in Oct'19. Before the festivities began, I had to be the lady of the house and try to do a thorough spring cleaning. During festivities, I had to travel to be with my near and dear ones, eat awesome delicacies, relax, rejuvenate, so on and so forth.

I know, it may seem very fickle minded of me, to ignore this blog for so long. And the above do seem to be very frivolous reasons for not contributing to the blog. But that's the only excuse I have.

At some random times, blogging did cross my mind but I kept putting it off for another 'perfect' day or a 'perfect' time. But today I suddenly realised I have become a royal procrastinator. Like with blogging, so with life, I have been in a cloud of lazing and blowing away my precious time.

I now comprehend that all good things are created when you follow some discipline. Even if it is something you love doing (writing in my case). It has to be done continually. It has to become a habit. Else one long break and you may find yourself struggling to get back on track like me. Stopping my own progress but helpless to fight back. Also, after a long break, I ended up not finding the required enthusiasm to do what is required: Open my laptop, type out my thoughts, research for new topics to write about. These were 'supposedly' the things I enjoyed doing.

Mind you, Procrastination And Laziness (P&L) are best friends. With time, they suck you in their charm. Unless you are mindful, you won't even realise when you form a trio with them! 

So today I am very glad to have broken up with these two and risen from the ashes!

P.S: What are the things that you are putting on a back burner to be with your 'fake besties', the infamous P&L?

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