Sunday 23 August 2020

When in doubt, remember this!



I have not been blogging that frequently. I know I love to put my words on paper and share my thoughts but somehow, I just could not bring myself to blog in these past few months. In fact, since the “you know who” virus – I have not really been my optimistic self. And I felt blogging something when I am myself not in a happy space, is a worthless task. That is until today, when I read one of my favorite poems. I hadn’t read it in a long while.

I would love to put a few lines of this poem for every one out there who, like me, are struggling with existential questions or not-so happy thoughts. To remind both you and me, that this too shall pass. And what remains, will just be memories of how we felt and what we did about or in spite of it. So, buck up and give your best shot to all that you do or face!

We all will just be fine and there will be light beyond the dark, promise!

If you can't be a highway then just be a trail,
If you can't be the sun be a star;
It isn't by size that you win or you fail —
Be the best of whatever you are!

P.S: For those who liked the above lines – they are from the poem ‘Be the Best of Whatever You Are’ by Douglas Malloch 👼Go read it – quick 2 mins read but will definitely stir up some inspiration👍


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