Wednesday 7 August 2019

So relatable....

Today the world has come to a point where everyone is so busy that they don't really have time for daily socialising. That aside, the long hours at work have also made self reflection a very rare thing. When the weekend comes, there are those household chores to do which were ignored the whole week. The laundry, the cleaning of house, the purchase of groceries etc.

So in all this humdrum, every once in a while there comes a time when you meet someone or talk to someone who really converses with you (without peeping into their phone sneakily). Or you happen to read a blog/book which you  totally relate to. Please. Please notice your sense of fulfilment then.

There is a different thrill to be connected to someone with similar thought patterns or with someone who has something really interesting to share. That sensation really matters cause in the end, we are social beings. 

Yes, even for the introverts who derive vigour by being alone. In fact more in the case of introverts because it is so rare that they connect to people in the first place. So when they do, it really feels good.

Of late, I have been having these wonderful encounters. Either the conversations I have with people are really scintillating or I come across blog articles or YouTube videos which resonate deep within.

And what a genuine thrill that is! 

To know, there are people out there facing similar issues and getting to know their ideas of how to deal with same. Or knowing that somewhere out there, in the far off, is someone who shares the exact same opinion as we do. Or, is going through the same feelings of apprehension or excitement.

Makes you feel a very tiny but inclusive speck in this big cosmos!

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