Wednesday 14 August 2019

When do we become ready for parenthood?

Maybe my question is wrong..  Should I say, When do we really become adults?

Technically, I know we 'become' adults when we turn 18 and most certainly, we can also birth kids by then..

But this is not about that..!!

This is about the mental aspect of being an adult and a parent. I say this because even in my thirties (early thirties, I am not that old, ok!! 😉) I look up to my parents' help and guidance in things both small and big. If there is something going amiss, they are the first ones I turn to for comfort and I really need them to guide me then on.

And that's what I am trying to point out here.. These days, suddenly, I have started thinking that I have to grow up. Like really grow up. Become an adult and take my own responsibility, as a parent does for a kid. In all aspects of my life.

Like when I was a kid, I would sleep by 10 pm, wake up at 6.45 am. No questions asked. That was the discipline and routine my parents had trusted upon me.  Following it was simple.

Now when I am an adult, I sleep whenever I want, wake up whenever I want. Being a liberated housewife has it's cons. There is no one that I am answerable to and nowhere fixed that I have to report to in the morning. So I am not really 'adulting' myself properly. I am still hung up somewhere in the middle of childhood and adulthood.

I want to become someone I feel answerable to. You know, intrinsically have a radar, to do the right thing from the wrong. Act  and think the right way, always.

And when I become that person, who is acting responsibly in any given situation. Looking out for myself the way my parents would, choosing wisely instead of indulging in self sabotage - That's when I feel I deserve to be called 'an adult'!

I think one becomes ready for parenthood when one successfully starts parenting themselves into doing things they should, even when they don't feel like.

P.S: This blog is an uncensored version of the current state of mind of the author's. The author prides herself to be sincere in this age of social media where only 'perfect' moments, instagram stories are shared by many. This is an attempt to make this blog as candid as the author is ✌😇

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