Friday 2 August 2019

My Power!

I want...
A little sunshine and not the constant rain,
A little pleasant breeze and not the harsh wind,
A few kind words and not the barrage of lines which make no sense,
A warm cup of coffee and not the ice cold water in the tap,
A little source of income and not the constant expenses,

But I am really grateful that...
 The constant rain is helping solve water issues,
The wind helps generate electricity for business' and all,
We have the vocabulary which can help us express our emotions well,
We have water running in our taps, cold or hot does not matter,
We have the capacity to pay for our day to day expenses,

So I deduce,
I have way more things to be grateful for and that,
I am not focusing on the right things,
It's always my choice,
A choice which will differentiate,
How my life is!

I have the power to create my life,
Good, Bad, ugly is just a perception,
The influence to sway it either ways, lies with me!

1 comment:

  1. Great going
    Loved the way you have put your thoughts in a poem.
