Wednesday 31 July 2019

In your face...!

I have realised whatever you are feeling, where ever you are, however the situation at hand, there is always something good in your situation.

Sometimes you have to search long and hard for the good things. Because the bad is blaring at you.

But you find your ways out.

I think finding humour in my bad situations helps me.   

So here's an example how I do it.

I am a very low maintenance girl. On normal days, the only beauty routine I follow is, washing my face. Applying some face cream, if totally in the mood to pamper myself. That's it.

But on this one rare occasion, I really felt my skin was looking listless and pale. I wanted to see some pink in my cheeks. So I thought, these days organic is the mantra. Why not try a homemade beet scrub..!

I used some peel of beetroot to scrub my face. The plan was to wash it off after some time and then hydrate with some moisturiser. Plain and simple. right??!!

Wrong, my logic totally failed. 

The whole day I was looking like a pink faced Japanese monkey (not even close to the 'healthy flushed face' look I aspired for self). I felt bad on my plan failing but there's some good from that situation.

Every time I happened to see a mirror that day, It really made me laugh on my 'in your face' pinkness. Pun intended. I realised I have the ability to humour myself even in not so ideal a situation.

 Statistics say small children laugh on an average 300 times while an adult laughs only 17 times per day. I definitely laughed more than 17 times that day and that's a blessing, right?

P.S:  For those concerned, the pinkness faded the next day and my face was back to being pale! ☺☺


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