Friday 12 July 2019

You have to be cool...

So picture this guys: Any tiny scrap of work opportunity comes my way, I go like "Wow, maybe I am meant for this job!".

When they ask me about myself, I am naive enough to tell them, I have had a pretty long career break and keen to start work. I would have thought showing my keenness and sincerity towards the job opportunity would open up the interviewer's heart and doors of the company. But hey, they sure can sense desperation.  And rather than being thrilled about an enthusiastic candidate, it so happens that they actually run far away from me.

This happened multiple times in the recent times. Then I got it! I have to 'act' cool. I have to play it chill. And not only 'act' the part but actually believe it too!

Reminds me of my single-hood days. All my friends were getting married or engaged and I was the only one left behind. So you kind of understand how it can affect your morale. After being rejected or rejecting multiple prospective alliances (who just didn't seem right), I came to a point where I accepted my single-hood as a reality. The peace that came with this, became empowering.

I set out to make my life happening by investing in my hobbies and things that made me happy. I learnt dancing, made a lifelong friend in the process. I was just having an awesome time in life. The fact that I was single no more bothered me.

And lo and behold, there came my hubby dearest! Which just happened accidentally. 

Fate! It's quite funny. When you make peace with the fact that, you would not get what you badly want in your life, It just decides to pop up!

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