Friday 26 July 2019

Special Birthday!

I am really the person who will remember my loved ones' birthdays and be excited about it more than the person whose birthday it is.

Like for example, If my sissy's birthday is coming up next month, I'll like to start getting ready right away. I'll want to know, if she has a new dress for the occasion. Or if she has something special planned etc. Even if I am not around for the celebrations, I want it to be special for her nonetheless.

In case, it is my bestie's birthday and I have the privilege to be present for it, I would love to have some quality "we" time with the friend.

For me, It's all about ensuring that the person knows that they are cherished and important for me.

But here comes the tiny glitch!

There are times when I will be super excited for a birthday coming in July, right since Jan, which is the start of the year and then forget about it all together on the day itself. 

Such a bummer! 😒

So picture this:

I have a friend whose birthday I will never forget as we have been buddies since more than a decade now. But I forgot his birthday last year and when I remembered it, It was almost one month late! ONE MONTH..! I know, I may be sounding too melodramatic, may be he didn't really mind me forgetting it.

But I was so disappointed in myself. Wait, oh boy! Was I smart? I had a solution.. I had recently learnt digital art then and made him a birthday card (with one of his photo that was sent to me by his wifey, so that he is surprised by my excellence in art work). I poured by heart to him in this card. Telling him how I can never ever forget his birthday as I was excited about it from one month early on. Yada yada yada.

 I wonder if he was angry or something, cause all he had to say in response to my e-card was two words . " Thank You".

Anyhow, to make it up for last time's loss, I wished him thrice this year!

First time, when I thought it was his birthday according to the lunar calendar, which was a few days before his actual date of birth. (Yay, I totally rock!! ✌) He too responded to my wishes with a  "Thank You".

Oooopppps! Tiny error - I later realised, this turned out to be the wrong lunar day after all! It was not his lunar calendar birthday at all... But he was kind enough not to correct me, poor thing!

So second time, I wished him correctly on his actual date of birth. (Thank God!!!!) His response was the same "Thank You". πŸ‘

After a few days from his actual birthday, his 'correct' lunar calendar birthday came up. So to correct my previous mistake, I wished him again the third time!!! πŸ˜‡

Mind you, I have not wished anyone sooo many times in a year for one birthday. All because of my stupid memory last year.  Also, the stupidity of me wishing on the wrong day of lunar calendar!!!   

Anyway, his response was, Nooo you guessed it wrong! Not his golden words - "Thank You". 

But blank. 

No response. 

That day, I was very tense, did I really over-do the wishing??? 

Next day passed by with no response again, I was getting worried now. Is it possible to lose a friend if you wish him happy birthday multiple times? I really didn't mean to sound hyper crazy..!

But the third day he responded with one word "Thnx". 

Now, should I be bothered, he did not write the whole 2 words "Thank You"????????? 

Guess not, he is just fine, you know, he is a man of few words. 

Minor point to be made, my buddy has not been talking to me much this year, after all my warm birthday wishes!
Do you think, I should call him and specifically explain about my guilt and the reason why I wished him so many times?
Does he think I'm a bit of a madcap and so he is avoiding me?????

This episode has made my learning curve very steep..!

So these days, I have become much more pro-active. 

Whenever it's a birthday of someone special to me, I start wishing them 3 days in advance or at least start dropping subtle hints like "Your birthday is coming in 3 days, what are your plans??!"

This is leaving some proof that I do remember their birthday all round the year, it's just that sometimes I forget to wish them on their big day. πŸ˜‰

P.S: Sometimes I think, I tend to over-think. Then get soo bogged down with it all, that I don't think straight. Or do I?