Wednesday 24 July 2019

I am Persi!

Day 1


 It's the first time I am about to pour my heart out, to the human species on something called a "blog". I understand that it's a common medium of self expression these days. But being just a small house spider, I was not all that aware of this medium. You can't really blame my ignorance.

So anyway, let me introduce myself. I am Persi. Not that my parents named me that.

In fact, we spiders don't really name ourselves. Because we are busy from the moment we are born till we die, very busy. From our very early days we are taught to start building our home and to earn our bread and butter. It loosely translates to a cobweb and insects in the human world, I believe.

So who named me? Good question.

There is this huge human being, Lady, that's her name.  I understand cause I always hear another huge human being who keeps saying things like "Lady, you have to buck up",  "Lady, you are late", "Lady, the food is tasty today" to her.  I am very sharp and intelligent that ways ☺☺✌

So coming back to Lady, She is very very weird that ways. I can confess to you the first time I spotted her, I didn't like her at all. She saw me, screeched at top of her voice "Oh My God!" and ran off. Coming back in just about a minute with a large broomstick and destroying my house for no rhyme or reason.

Anyhow, I nearly escaped death. When she screeched, I got so nervous that I ran off a small distance but kept a watchful eye on her. Really thankful that the total damage was just 10 hrs of my hard work and not  my life. I can produce silk from my abdomen and create a web again. I am supposed to catch some insects tonight for my dinner. This weird Lady has now made me work double shifts tonight to build another web! Life can be tough for us spiders.  You humans won't really get it.

  Day 2

It's a nice sunny day. Last night I restored both my spirits and my cobweb.  Now looking forward to a day of nice food and relaxation.

Oh God, wait! Is that the Lady here again??! WTF?!

Her voice is not screechy today but she still shouts "OMG, you are persi.... (It was quite a long word, didn't get it totally).. Wait till I get you, this time, for the better."

Her warning was enough to get my flying in the distance.

Murder attempt 2 of the Lady failed. Guess I am too smart!

Day 3

She did it again! Destroyed my web but she couldn't do that with my spirit.

Today I had built a bigger and more stronger web. I demanded my abdomen to produce finer quality of silk this time. But the Lady still destroyed it. I really wonder what her problem with life is.

In human world they say, 'Man always gives what they have'.

So does that mean, someone crushed her house and so she is doing that to me?!

In that case, I should really teach her some spirit! Teach her through my actions, that your massive success is the best revenge for your opponent. 
That's why you have this life. You fall down, you get up.
Someone drags you down, you climb 10 notches higher.

Someone tries to destroy your calm, you gather poise like never before and keep doing your own thing!

Day 4


It is bright and shiny.

I am proud of my cobweb.   It's the largest and best that I have built till date. I am in fact looking forward to the Lady to come and visit my piece of pride, my home.

 If she destroys it again, I am fine. But at least she will know, she is just making me better with time!

Her usual time to visit is here but she is not to be seen.

Nope, the Lady still didn't visit. But at least some insects got stuck in the web and I had a lovely dinner!

Day 5

I know, I am not supposed to feel any concern for humans in my spider life. But the Lady is not to be seen. Also, I am kind of getting restless to move on in life and build newer homes in some other places.

But I also want the Lady to learn her lesson.

Night :

Finally! The Lady and the other human being are here. She is yet to notice my palatial web.

Yayyyyy! She sees it!

She seems to be unusually calm tonight. She just shows the bigger human my handy work and says," I really learn grit from this spider. I think that's the reason, I didn't have the heart to kill it the first time I saw it. I was supposed to learn from it."

She then looked at me intently and said "You, my spider, are really persi.....".

(Again the same big world mentioned above, don't know what it means but I like the sound of it. So I think I'll accept it as my brand new name!)

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