Wednesday 17 July 2019

What is happening?!!

Today when I saw this poster (advert for a famous automobile brand), I really felt a strong urge to use this platform to voice some of my concerns.

So I happened to go through this particular road twice in 2 consecutive days and the first time I saw the advert, I felt it was odd and then forgot about it within a blink of my eye. The second time I saw it, for lack of anything better to muse on, I took a hard look at it and it really didn't make any sense.

There it was: A huge advertisement hoarding appealing to buy a very famous brand of automobile. 
But they had a very weird thing going for their visual appeal. It was that of a very cute baby (may be an year old, max 2 yrs old) on the steering wheel.

Look, I am not an expert in advertisement or marketing but as a trillion dollar company, I would like them to have some other strategy than to appeal to babies!! Like, really?? 

And if your strategy is to say that, Your brand of cars are so easy that even babies can drive them, then think again. The "adult" prospective buyer who is going to pay for it might feel offended. (I can't drive a car smoothly and I sure would be slightly offended to think I can't do something which a year old baby can!). If I am going to have to pay around $17000 on a car, it better be something, which is more special than a kid's toy.

Also, these kind of advertisements can send out a wrong signal to kids in the world. They might start feeling entitled to drive a car rather than wait, till they reach the minimum permissible driving age.  

**ittt! I am super scared thinking of babies driving around. This visual is not helping me.

I should not even get started on describing the panic I feel when I see adults who follow very wrong driving habits like speed driving, driving while having a tilted head and a phone on one ear.

Phew.. I should definitely stop at this point! And go, get some cool water to drink.

P.S: You guys, please, drive carefully and be safe!

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