Monday 1 July 2019

My 21 days of blogging...

Today I suddenly realised that my 21 days of blogging are done with this post.

I felt a tiny sense of achievement because I started this blog page in 2018 with the view of cultivating my writing. But I was never dedicated enough to post regularly. Blogging was done on my whims.

So today I jot down things I learnt in the last 21 days:

1.  There were times when I faced a writer's block.  Blogs like My life as blogger - 1 and My life as blogger - 2 prove the point. It has no great content.

Learning: You do things when you are held accountable. I knew there are people who take out their precious time to read my blogs. So even if I didn't feel like it, I did it because I was committed. You learn to show up, no matter what, if you know there will be at least one person who is rooting for you.

2. Routines can be hard to start but with time, you get hooked to it. Now I really look forward to my ritual of sipping steaming coffee, researching for topics to blog and finally penning down my thoughts. 

Learning:We can use the power of routine to incorporate the things important to us in our daily life.

3. This is just the beginning. The 21 day blogging challenge helped me get into the habit of blogging regularly. It is just a means to an end where I foresee myself as an authentic blogger. As in, I get readers to follow my blog because they like my blog content and not me. Currently my dear ones read them because they like me and not specifically my blogs 😉 

Learning: Do not wait for everything to be perfect to start achieving your goals. Just start and get your act together while on the go.

I would like to end this blog with Aristotle's quote "Quality is not an act, it is a habit."

I am praying these 21 days of blogging lead to more quality blogs in future. Amen!

P.S: I am very thankful to you for taking this journey of reading my blogs. Thank you! 😁

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