Sunday 30 June 2019

My life as a Blogger - 2

I have a special liking for William Shakespeare.

Not because he is probably the best selling fiction author1 of all times but because we share our birthdays 👏☺

So today let me quote one phrase from his plays2 cause that will clearly describe what I feel today.

 'Why, then the world's mine oyster, Which I with sword will open'

You know, It's one of those days when I slept very nicely. Woke up refreshed3 and raring to attack my day.

Today is Sunday, a day for my home and family. In that order, cause first I plan to clean up a bit and then spend some time with the hubby dearest!

Why am I mentioning the mundane details of my life in this post?

Because there are times when you just generally want to blabber. And this is one of those days for me!

Also refer to my blog to understand how difficult it is for me to blog on Sundays 👍 😉

On that note: Happy Sunday you guys. Let the world be your oyster today! 4

1. Reference Google - Estimated 4 Billion Copies Sold.
2. Shakespeare 's The Merry Wives of Windsor.
3. People who sleep badly will know how rare and welcome this is!
4. To make up for the lack of content in this blog, I have put in extra efforts for the blog image - Hope you like it!

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