Tuesday 25 June 2019

Lessons from screen!

Image credits: Copyright:© American Broadcasting Companies, Inc.

Lately I have become addicted to this ABC comedy sitcom, The Middle. And I really have taken a liking to one particular character of Sue Heck, from the series. 

I have always been drawn to quirky people. Sue Heck is one of them.

Things I like about her:

1. She is ever positive. Despite all her failed attempts of making it in some social group.

2. She keeps seeing the good in most of her life situations. She would even make her own alternate theories, for people being rude to her and make peace with them.

3. Her heart is at the right place, always wanting to do the right/ethical thing.

4. She is socially awkward but does not let that hamper her spirit one bit.

5. She has strong determination to work on her goals. She never gives up, come hell or high water.

So who says we can't mix our entertainment and knowledge session in one?

I took  lessons in optimism and positive thinking from Sue Heck. A determination to keep going for your dreams, even if no one else believes in you!

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