Thursday 20 June 2019

What does success mean to you?

SUCCESS - It would mean different things to different people. There is no one measure to check its worth. It is ever evolving for each one of us. It’s what most people want yet it seems elusive for one and all.

Some may believe that success is having a huge bank balance. But people with huge bank balances are thinking of more success in terms of more returns for their investments.

Today I want to buy a car, tomorrow I may want a cycle for exercise because that's the in thing to do.  There are all kinds of us. Our wishes have no end, if we don't find contentment in the now.

Over the years I realised below are some essentials for me to feel successful:

1. Breaking free of my comfort zone: If I choose to forgo the comfort of the known and venture into the unknown territory it gives me a high (sometime even lows!).

2. Enjoying the journey as much as my final destination: If I enjoy myself, even while working hard to achieve my goals, then it is a more rewarding experience.

3. Sense of achievement: I set out on achieving something and actually achieve it. The sense of achievement and pride (in a non snob way) is really rewarding.

4. I am healthy: The famous quote “Health is wealth” says it all. When I vibrate health that is the time I am the most happy!

5. Family and friends: I have family and friends, who love me and are rooting for my progress.

6. Giving back to the society: I am not at this stage yet but for me success is when I will be in a position to do good for society or people less privileged.

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