Friday 21 June 2019

Soul Food!

Music is one of the most powerful things the world has to offer. No matter what race or religion or nationality or sexual orientation or gender that you are, it has the power to unite us ~ Lady Gaga

21st June 2019 - Today is the world music day!

For me, there is music for every occasion. Music is happiness for my soul. I listen to it, to energize me to move my bu** when wanting to do things, to overcome procrastination. When I am feeling down, I listen to peppy Bollywood songs and just can't remain morose for a long time.

I am very very thankful to my parents for paying extra fees for almost 14 yrs to give me special music lessons. So in a way, they gifted me a friend for life! 
I can never be alone when I have music for company. I can do bathroom singing to amuse myself while taking a shower. Hum to entertain myself while waiting in long queues to get some work done. Entertain friends and family in social meets with a song. The ways in which music helps me is endless, it is like the universal healer of all times. Good, bad or mundane.

One of my dearest friends, claims that he can never sing. And I say, that is not true. Everyone can sing, just the quality of voice may differ from person to person. 

In fact, I truly believe everyone should attempt singing, without any hesitation. It is liberating! It need not be a performance for anyone else's benefit. Just try being alone and singing along your favourite singer crooning his/her hit number. It will make you feel alive. (Music is my secret mood elevator.)

You just can't remain unhappy while singing a happy song. Seems highly impossible, I have tried it! It immediately shifts your emotions to a happier beat. (Beware: The opposite is also true, try listening to a really good quality of a sad song, it will move you to some extent in the grey shades of emotions).

As Emory Austin once said, "Some days there won't be a song in your heart. Sing anyway."


La la la, la la!


  1. After reading,alone in office I started singing.

  2. That is soo cool!! Didn't it feel nice?
