Tuesday 11 June 2019

Who Am I?

Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom ~ Aristotle

I am majorly fascinated by all the people who say they are living a life of purpose. Or who follow their passions and create a life they really love.

My conditioning has been from the old school of thought where you get yourself educated, get a nice job, buy your own house and save for your retirement. Not that it was fed into me by my parents or guardians but this is what everyone around mostly did. The difference was some people did very well in their jobs and settled early on. And sometimes they did not.

I come from the second category. I am currently on a career break and trying to find my reins back to the "working class". Having said that I also have plenty of time to read up on people, their lives and analyse the same (yes, I am really interested in all kinds of people and their life stories). It's like I'm trying to find clues as to how do I turn around my current lack of work/passion and get on to something which inspires me to get up each morning.

And after reading ton loads of material, life experiences, I realised the first thing I have to do is know myself.

Know myself??!! Well it's easier said than done.

Yes, I know that my favourite colour is Red (sometimes peach or sometimes even black). My favourite snack is Pani Puri and I like Bollywood movies, a complete desi ☺☺

But it seems, knowing these trivialities is not knowing yourself. This is just the outwardly thing. It has to be deeper and more meaningful. The more I read about all great and successful people knowing themselves, the more panicky I became.

So for now, I have concluded that I do not know myself. Peace. 

I have to dig deeper. And I will. Amen! 
P.S: If you are anyone like me, wanting to know yourself better, I highly recommend the Myers Briggs test. It really helped me better understand myself and why I react to things differently than the people around me.

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