Saturday 22 June 2019

My life as a blogger - 1

10 am:  Yours truly sitting on her study and blankly surfing the net.

10.30 am: Shocked to find half an hour has already passed by, while she was getting into the mood to blog.

11.00 am: She just decides to write her feelings down for this blog.

Excerpt of what she writes:

This is sooo weird!

Since I started this 21 day challenge of blogging, I just went through one weekend(last one) and today we are back on another Saturday. And yours truly, finds that last weekend I faced a writer's block and today history is repeating itself!

You know, I am conditioned to be "not working" on weekends for some time now. So sitting on my study today and getting to research topics(yes, I do research), select one, that would be fun for me to write is quite a bit of a task. Come on, you can relate to me right?

So as you may have guessed, I don't really have a particular topic in mind to write on.

11.30 am: An eureka moment strikes!! The topic of the blog today suddenly seems to take shape in her mind.

She thinks, wouldn't it be fun to dig out some tricks and tips to get work done, when you don't wish to?

12.00 pm: Starts doing some serious research on the above topic.

Her parallel thinking cloud: "Wait, I have a parlour appointment coming in next half an hour, gosh I haven't even showered yet! Got to rush...!

May be tomorrow I will write some really hot stuff on this topic!!

Also, my blog readers are really very very understanding people.

Sssuuusssshhhhh... Now is not the time to remind yourself, of the fact that, only my dearest ones (family and close friends read this blog).  Later! Hurry up hairy lady!"

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