Monday, 24 June 2019

Getting things done!

Oh no, it is Monday again,
Isn't it a weekender's bane?
Some cheery may believe not,
'Why' is a question very hot!

Why is Monday a breeze for some and not for others?

Some may say it's all in the mind. While some others may say, it's about  the difference of liking your job or not.

My take on it? It oscillates between supremely negative to positive. When I was on a regular job, I would dislike Mondays. It was supreme effort to go to work. Today, Mondays are fun days. (In fact each day is because when you are a housewife, your tasks are almost the same from Monday through Sunday.)

Wherever you are, whatever you do, there will always be days when you don't feel like doing things that you should.

Here are few tips that I follow to get work done:

1. Check Lists: Like really, make one, stating all your tasks. Select the easiest and attack it. Once done, tick off that item from your list. I really like this little action of ticking it off. It gives some boost to my morale. Then I look forward to getting it all done.

2. Action: In correlation to the above method, take any action. Smallest of the small. Action breeds action. So if my aim is to write a 1000 words a day, I just make myself write one sentence with 10 words. Trick your brain to take the first tiny step. It then starts the process of wanting to complete the task at hand. Because sometimes, all we need, is a tiny little nudge to get things done.

3. Reward: Who does like a reward for our hard work? Stop waiting for your manager or spouse to appreciate the work you do. Decide for yourself, what do you want to achieve and what will you like as a reward for accomplishment of same.  Nothing big or fancy. It can simply be one hour of Netflix binge watching if you finish all your to-do's at the end of the day.

So what are your ways to get things done?

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