Monday 17 June 2019

Missing Souls - Blog 1

She was tall. She was dark and had beautiful sharp features. She met all people with a big big smile and a bear hug.

She was an acquaintance I met just twice in my life. But the impact was huge.

The first time I met her was when she came to visit my mom at our place. She was in her early twenties and I was may be 12 yrs old. I was studying in a convent school. So I have always loved Christmas and Carole singing. In our conversation I casually mentioned that to her and expressed my wish to visit a church sometime as she was Christian.

She readily and instantly agreed to take me with her to the next Sunday Mass. It was then that I met her for the second and the last time. She took me to the church, showed me around. Introduced me to her friends and family.

I keenly observed her. She always smiled from her heart and genuinely greeted everyone. You know, some people really have that electric personality. She reflected true concern for everyone, the oldies from the mass or the youngest kids in the choir. She had good humour and was full of laughter.  
That sure was a fun meeting, a new experience for me!

Over the years, I grew up and changed cities. Got to know that she got married and had a baby boy. I was so happy for her! Our two meetings were enough for me to want life's best for her. 

After a couple of years, once when I was visiting my parents, I happened to open the local newspaper. Imagine a lazy me in my pyjamas, indifferently going through the motions of reading a newspaper (which is very rare, me reading a newspaper).

There it was. A smiling photo of her!

I did a re-take. Was that really her photo?? It should not be! This column is the obituary posts. Nooo!

I ran to my mom, "Is this really her?!"

"Oh.. Yes!" I could see even my mom was taken aback.

She was so young, so meant to live her full youth and beyond.

Some loss of life is totally inexplicable. For me, this is one of them.

I know for sure, she is somewhere out there. A happy angel, spreading her goodness around!

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