Sunday 4 August 2019

Sunday Special

Today's blog is very very special (not only because it is Sunday)!!

Because I realized it's my 50th blog and my blog page has upwards of 1000 views in total till date. 🙌

Thank you my dearies! I take this as majorly your love for me (and minorly for my blogs, some which made sense, some which didn't maybe).

My first ever attempt at writing down my endless thoughts. My first attempt at fiction and poetry too!

This kind of fulfils one of my long cherished dream of being a writer! You know those dreams, which you have while very young and then which fizzle out. Just because you are not really sure, if you are good enough or if it will help you make a living. 

I know that you, my dear family and friends, are the only ones privy to this blog link. So technically, all of you are kind of pushed into being polite and reading my stuff. Who knows if there will ever be any readers who don't know me personally and even then follow my blog! (Also, there is no fixed benchmark set to be able to call oneself an official 'writer')

But that's not the point.

The main thing here is:
  •   One kind nudge from a dear friend to not give up on my blog and be consistent.
  •   One honest review of how I can improve my grammar and sentence formation.
  •   One encouraging but critical view on my blog. 
  •   One dearie, who agrees to disagree with my view points and take the efforts to say so on my face.

In today's day, I really value the above because everyone is trying to just be socially or politically correct. It takes real good relations and intentions, to leave diplomacy aside and give real helpful but 'not so pleasing' feedback.  

All these pointers have helped write the 50 blogs and earn the 1000 views. 💕💟

This is proof that sometimes, dreams do become reality. That if we are kind and encouraging to our fellow beings, there may be a small but positive outcome. That one act of generosity and encouragement from us, may lead to a major movement later!

Today you sure make me a Gladie!

In fact, I would also like to share some minor details,
  •   I named my blog Gladie Life because I really feel very very grateful for having all you awesome people into my life!
  •  When you actually Google the meaning of the name 'Gladie', you end up with various other forms of the word like Gladys, Gladis etc. So it seems like I have picked up a pen name which is very rare these days.
  •   If we take into consideration the pronunciation of word 'Glady' (which is also how I pronounce Gladie) and search for a meaning of the word: It means royalty, small sword or lame. (Yeah, very random 😊)
  •  Since knowing the above meaning I just seem to think of myself as a 'Princess' who uses this blog, as a small sword, to write about either some deep topics or some lame ones. (Who said royalty can't be deep or lame???! 😎)

Hmmm.  That's all I have for now,

Thank you for all your time and efforts into this blog! 👍

P.S: You make me real proud with your patience to endure all my reflections of and in 'life'....! 👏👏✌

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