Friday 5 October 2018

Pause and Really Savour!

Life goes on a fast pace, days come and go in a jiffy. You get up, chalk out your to-dos for the day, go to work, finish assignments to meet deadlines, come back home, have dinner and sleep. Repeat the whole cycle the entire week. Finally Friday comes with a big bang ☺  You hope that for the next 2 days  - you get to live life the way you want to. Saturday is full of fun, sleep, good food, relaxation and boom comes the Sunday! The day which again promises you LIFE on your terms!

You wish life was one big never ending weekend where you enjoy it daily!!

In fact you can actually do that. YES, you can really enjoy every single day of your life even when you follow the routine mentioned below. 

By way of using the practice of Savouring.

A quick definition of "savour" is taste (good food or drink) and enjoy it to the full. But who said it should be limited to good food or drink? When life is happening to you, if you mindfully look at your life events as a third party, there will always be something or the other which you can savour. Really experience the "good event" happening to you, be fully present in the experience and try to close your eyes and feel the sensations passing by you. You should experience the moment so fully that the memory of it should be etched in your mind so that you can actually feel the same sensations when you think of the event again. Believe me, our mind has that power to re-create the experiences, provided you are mindful and really savour the moment!

Today it happened to me early morning, I was watering my rose plant and was really feeling awesome looking at the pretty yellow roses that had bloomed. There was this cool breeze that was passing by and suddenly I really felt joyful. I just had to close my eyes, feel the breeze and pop came the image of the beautiful roses and I really savoured those 2 mins of breeze, sunshine and roses. (Captured it in above pic for you!). It kind of set the tone for me today, the whole day has been passing in a happy mood.

If we savour one moment every day, it will be 365 happy memories for the year. This treasure trove may even help us get out of foul mood on some rainy day!

So what is it that you savoured today? Do let me know..

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