Wednesday 3 October 2018

Reminiscing the awesome weekend that I had!

So the weekend starts with a bang!

Preparing to-do lists, ensuring no surface in the house has dust, all furniture and glass in the house looks spic and span. Shopping for items that make the house more comfortable, throwing of junk, aesthetically bad looking stuff and buying new ones.

Reason? A house party at our place! Yay! On Saturday we have the husband's besties coming and on Sunday, mine. A catch up long due with both set of friends.

My main intent was to make all invitees super comfortable and get them to rewind from the hectic work week they have had. So after all the clean up, ensuring fresh bed-sheets and cushion covers were in place, my house was ready to host a warm cozy party for our dear friends.

Saturday night started at 7.30 pm with a bang. Friends poured in and hurray... warm conversations, tasty food and fuzzy drinks on the go!  As the party built up, funny past incidents and group memories were discussed and re-lived. All of us really enjoyed a hearty laugh. I still recall one moment where all of us were wiping tears rolling due to laughing so hard, I wanted to freeze the moment, all smiley faces - really happy in the moment. I remember thinking, when was the last time I laughed so hard? I really don't recall, may be while seeing a comedy show I was following lately but then is it the same as sharing a few laughs with good old friends?

By 1 am our party came to an end, 5 hours of bliss ended and I crashed on bed. The last coherent thing I remember for the day was my husband's blissful smile that said "he had a blast".  That sure made me a happy soul!

Sunday was again a repeat of the whole cleaning process and ensuring the place is ready for my gang. My friends came at 7.30 pm and this time there was a lot of catching up to do. We chatted for a long time, heart to heart that happen only with your oldest and closest friends. We also played cards accompanied by fun banter through the night. This was followed by dinner and some more conversations. Eventually at midnight, my dearest buddies left me just like Cinderella may have left her prince charming. All warm and happy but wanting for more!

So if you guys out there haven't been in touch with your besties, this blog post is to gently remind you that there is something more in life than work or whatever it is that is keeping you away from a catch up. Do plan and meet up your friends, it really does make one a happy being ☺☺☺

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