Sunday 7 October 2018


Sunday Special, Dint have words to express what a blissful day it was. So prepared the colourful blog picture ☺☺

Quality time with hubby, Good food, a little bit of cleaning of our house and grocery shopping for the week ahead. Nothing great, in fact, quite a mundane day if you ask anyone but it was special for me because today I have multiple experiences that I savoured. (Read this blog if you want to know more about my savouring technique - Pause And Savour!)

The savouring technique really works wonders for me and today when I look back I feel it was really an awesome day. I get 10/10 for mindfulness today because I was 100% involved in whatever I did and that's my definition of success. A perfectly mindful day!

Hope you all had a great day too..!

Until next time,
Mindfully yours G ✌ 💖

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