Happy Happy Saturday ☺π
Today was a very chill day for me. Hubby dearest was at home, it
is always good to have him around the whole day!
We also saw a movie together after a long time. It was this funny
movie where both the male and female protagonists were super afraid to get
married. But due to pressure from their respective families they are dragged
into marriage and how they end up loving each other. Very typical love story
but why I decided to write about it is, these days single people are actually feeling afraid
about getting married and settling down seeing the increasing number of divorces in our society. They may fear that life won't be the same any more, there may be limitations to their freedom
and way of living life.
I agree that these fears may have some element of truth but I
would also like to highlight some pointers as to why married life is super
1. Yes, you may never be able to live life as you used to as a
single person because of course you need to consider your life partner's
preferences and make some adjustments but in a true partnership even they do
the same. It is always a give and take in this relation too, as any other.
2. Together you are strength. You always have that one person no
matter what happens in your life. Your better halves not only help multiply
your joys but also divide(sharing helps reduce) your lows, sorrows.
3. This pointer for the practical ones - you have a bigger pool of
resources like money, sharing of responsibilities or even day to day chores.
4. Your partner is a potential best friend - You get to have fun together
if you share hobbies or expand your fun activities by trying out things that
your partner likes. You never know, you may take a strong liking to something
which you had never thought of trying earlier. Apart from that, this person
always has your back, come what may.
The list can go on but I think you get the gist, I am totally for
the institution of marriage. It comes with its cons but the pros far out way
them, if you really manage to find your soul mate/better half/life partner!
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