Sunday 30 June 2019

My life as a Blogger - 2

I have a special liking for William Shakespeare.

Not because he is probably the best selling fiction author1 of all times but because we share our birthdays πŸ‘☺

So today let me quote one phrase from his plays2 cause that will clearly describe what I feel today.

 'Why, then the world's mine oyster, Which I with sword will open'

You know, It's one of those days when I slept very nicely. Woke up refreshed3 and raring to attack my day.

Today is Sunday, a day for my home and family. In that order, cause first I plan to clean up a bit and then spend some time with the hubby dearest!

Why am I mentioning the mundane details of my life in this post?

Because there are times when you just generally want to blabber. And this is one of those days for me!

Also refer to my blog to understand how difficult it is for me to blog on Sundays πŸ‘ πŸ˜‰

On that note: Happy Sunday you guys. Let the world be your oyster today! 4

1. Reference Google - Estimated 4 Billion Copies Sold.
2. Shakespeare 's The Merry Wives of Windsor.
3. People who sleep badly will know how rare and welcome this is!
4. To make up for the lack of content in this blog, I have put in extra efforts for the blog image - Hope you like it!

Saturday 29 June 2019


After the blistering heat of summer,
Here comes the first shower,
All it takes is one rain,
To refresh the environ once again!

All barren trees have tiny leaves sprout,
Making it look like a special green clout!
No more will our earth be parched,
Look! The big trees have already arched,
As if to protect the unprepared,
From the thundering that has flared!

Welcome to new beginnings,
Let's start afresh, 
By forgetting our past misgivings!

Friday 28 June 2019

I dream of...

The energy is palpable.

Every one's gait is a little happier, tone a little chirpier. Heck, even the ambience is gustier!
Friday fever is catching on.

The tapping of keyboards has more gusto, the greetings to colleagues is more enthusiastic. It's like everyone knows  that today is the freedom day. Freedom for next 2 days!

No one says it explicitly but mostly everyone is looking forward to finish the day and leave their golden cage to enjoy the earnings they make from staying in it for 5 days of the week. The few exceptions are those who have only focused on their careers so far and have nothing else to consume their time. It's these people who then become the spoilers who bother their juniors to work on weekends too.

Welcome to corporate inc!

No wonder the below quote from Ellen Goodman , is relatable to many of us these days:

Normal is getting dressed in clothes that you buy for work, driving through traffic in a car that you are still paying for, in order to get to a job that you need so you can pay for the clothes, car and the house that you leave empty all day in order to afford to live in it.

I for one, fervently dream of a time in future, when Ellen's wise words would somehow get outdated. People will work for the fun of it, to create and to evolve. And not just to pay their bills and wait in anticipation for 'Friday Fever' to begin.

Thursday 27 June 2019

Missing Souls - Blog 2

Continued from Series:  Missing Souls

There are times when we have some grand plans for our life. We plan our desired outcome to the tee and are super excited for the future.

Boom! Things just didn't turn out the way we wanted it to. Why? We have no answer to that.

In times like these, I take refuge in the clichΓ©, 'Whatever happens, happens for the best!'. And I have got proof. Read on!

She was my favourite Maths teacher. She did the unimaginable. She made me love calculus, integration and derivatives! I didn't like maths till I met her. 

She did her Bachelors of Engineering in Computer Science, with the plan to join an MNC during the IT boom. But fate had different plans. While she passed out with flying colours, the IT recession hit the same time around when she graduated. There were no jobs on the offing. She was crushed. The grand plan to join the IT workforce was not to be. Now what?

On her father's insistence, she started her Maths tuition for junior college students. My elder sister was in one of her early batches, when she had just started. In her living room. My sister liked her teaching style and did very well in maths.

By the time I took admission to junior college, she was the most successful Maths teacher in the town. Running 8-9 batches a day, teaching almost 500 students a year. That was massive success! She was her own boss and doing much better than she would have, if she took up an IT job!

I still remember being part of her classes, there was this massive big white board with a speaker and mike system so her voice could reach till the last benches. My beloved teacher was a petite one, so she also had to use a platform to stand on and to write on the massive board.

She used to start her day at 4 am. Her first batch would start at 5 am, followed by others which would go till almost 10 am. After some break, she would again start at 5 pm and would teach upto 8 pm.

So I was really touched, when she offered me and a fellow student to take extra classes for only the 2 of us. We were from a different stream of study than all others (basic maths syllabus was same but we had a few extra stats topics in our studies). Having such a hectic schedule, she didn't have to go the extra mile for only 2 people. But she did.

This was my main motivator to do well in Maths during junior college. Come on, this lady had put in extra efforts on me and I could not let that go waste. I let go of my math inhibition and really practiced hard. When I took my report card to show her my marks (96/100), she seemed genuinely happy for me. Her big smile and best wishes for me were the things I remember from our last meet.

Then I took admission to senior college and changed my city. Life went on.

One morning, I got up to a flood of messages. Multiple friends from junior college had messaged me that she is no more! What, how, when? This can't happen. She was in her early thirties.

I was shell shocked! I felt some pain in my chest. I just could not stop my tears, my town had lost a real good soul.

The local newspaper covered the story of the car crash which costed her life along with her husband's.

This was many years back. But I still think of her. . She was survived by her young son. How is he? Is he ok? These questions fail to leave me. But then, I remind myself of the biggest life lesson she taught me through her life, Whatever happens, happens for a reason!

She didn't get a job she wanted but instead was destined to touch hundreds of lives by driving away the fear of Maths from young kids. Likewise, I am sure her son too must be excelling at something, touching many more lives with his special gift. And she is watching over him, rooting for him to succeed from the heaven above! Peace!

Wednesday 26 June 2019

Dinner Time!

It is 7 pm. It's usually the time I start cooking dinner. Today I finished my cooking a bit earlier than usual so I have some free time. 

I look out from my window and just casually glance at the buildings opposite mine. From my vantage point, I could see the kitchen of all houses.

I was kind of amused to notice, every kitchen bar one (where single guys live) had the lady of the house cooking! Some I know personally, some I just know them visually. This must be a everyday scene. But I register it now, when I get time to pause and observe.

All ladies nurturing and preparing meals for the well being of their families, day in and day out.

In ancient times, Men used to do the dangerous job of hunting, which took up the entire day and would return home bone-tired.  So traditionally, women used to cook dinner after the men got their catch of the day. Thankfully with changing times, men got rid of this activity. But majority of women still prepare meals for their family.

If it was the earlier me, the unmarried and feminist one, I would have felt a tad bit sad. The "why us" would linger in my mind. 

Today I think of it differently. I like the fact that, I can nourish my people with the food I make. I love it when I see my man enjoy my home cooked meals.

 I realise that the food I prepare is also a source of energy for us. If I prepare it with good and positive emotions, the goodness reaches me and my loved ones.This knowledge also solved an age old question that I have had.

How does my mother cook awesome and tasty food day in and day out?

Why don't I ever remember, mommy dearest taking us out to eat dinner or get parcels at home?

Eureka! She must have always been privy to the knowledge, that her home cooked food, is our nourishment for both body and soul.

P.S: I feel ashamed, never to have thanked my mommy dearest for all her toil and efforts to cook food for us. Soo many years and still counting. And to think of it, she does it all with a smile! 
My Superwoman - All that I am, I owe to it to you!


Tuesday 25 June 2019

Lessons from screen!

Image credits: Copyright:© American Broadcasting Companies, Inc.

Lately I have become addicted to this ABC comedy sitcom, The Middle. And I really have taken a liking to one particular character of Sue Heck, from the series. 

I have always been drawn to quirky people. Sue Heck is one of them.

Things I like about her:

1. She is ever positive. Despite all her failed attempts of making it in some social group.

2. She keeps seeing the good in most of her life situations. She would even make her own alternate theories, for people being rude to her and make peace with them.

3. Her heart is at the right place, always wanting to do the right/ethical thing.

4. She is socially awkward but does not let that hamper her spirit one bit.

5. She has strong determination to work on her goals. She never gives up, come hell or high water.

So who says we can't mix our entertainment and knowledge session in one?

I took  lessons in optimism and positive thinking from Sue Heck. A determination to keep going for your dreams, even if no one else believes in you!

Monday 24 June 2019

Getting things done!

Oh no, it is Monday again,
Isn't it a weekender's bane?
Some cheery may believe not,
'Why' is a question very hot!

Why is Monday a breeze for some and not for others?

Some may say it's all in the mind. While some others may say, it's about  the difference of liking your job or not.

My take on it? It oscillates between supremely negative to positive. When I was on a regular job, I would dislike Mondays. It was supreme effort to go to work. Today, Mondays are fun days. (In fact each day is because when you are a housewife, your tasks are almost the same from Monday through Sunday.)

Wherever you are, whatever you do, there will always be days when you don't feel like doing things that you should.

Here are few tips that I follow to get work done:

1. Check Lists: Like really, make one, stating all your tasks. Select the easiest and attack it. Once done, tick off that item from your list. I really like this little action of ticking it off. It gives some boost to my morale. Then I look forward to getting it all done.

2. Action: In correlation to the above method, take any action. Smallest of the small. Action breeds action. So if my aim is to write a 1000 words a day, I just make myself write one sentence with 10 words. Trick your brain to take the first tiny step. It then starts the process of wanting to complete the task at hand. Because sometimes, all we need, is a tiny little nudge to get things done.

3. Reward: Who does like a reward for our hard work? Stop waiting for your manager or spouse to appreciate the work you do. Decide for yourself, what do you want to achieve and what will you like as a reward for accomplishment of same.  Nothing big or fancy. It can simply be one hour of Netflix binge watching if you finish all your to-do's at the end of the day.

So what are your ways to get things done?

Sunday 23 June 2019

Time is running fast!

We run around doing our own things,
So is time flying as if with wings,

Oh dear, tell me you notice it,
We are not growing younger any bit,

So now is the time to live,
Do try it, it's addictive!

Smell your coffee,
And relish your toffee!

Spend time with your loved one,
It can never be overdone!

Go do things which make your heart smile,
Reading, Painting or running a mile!

Don't wait to enjoy life at phase last,
Time is running really fast!

Saturday 22 June 2019

My life as a blogger - 1

10 am:  Yours truly sitting on her study and blankly surfing the net.

10.30 am: Shocked to find half an hour has already passed by, while she was getting into the mood to blog.

11.00 am: She just decides to write her feelings down for this blog.

Excerpt of what she writes:

This is sooo weird!

Since I started this 21 day challenge of blogging, I just went through one weekend(last one) and today we are back on another Saturday. And yours truly, finds that last weekend I faced a writer's block and today history is repeating itself!

You know, I am conditioned to be "not working" on weekends for some time now. So sitting on my study today and getting to research topics(yes, I do research), select one, that would be fun for me to write is quite a bit of a task. Come on, you can relate to me right?

So as you may have guessed, I don't really have a particular topic in mind to write on.

11.30 am: An eureka moment strikes!! The topic of the blog today suddenly seems to take shape in her mind.

She thinks, wouldn't it be fun to dig out some tricks and tips to get work done, when you don't wish to?

12.00 pm: Starts doing some serious research on the above topic.

Her parallel thinking cloud: "Wait, I have a parlour appointment coming in next half an hour, gosh I haven't even showered yet! Got to rush...!

May be tomorrow I will write some really hot stuff on this topic!!

Also, my blog readers are really very very understanding people.

Sssuuusssshhhhh... Now is not the time to remind yourself, of the fact that, only my dearest ones (family and close friends read this blog).  Later! Hurry up hairy lady!"

Friday 21 June 2019

Soul Food!

Music is one of the most powerful things the world has to offer. No matter what race or religion or nationality or sexual orientation or gender that you are, it has the power to unite us ~ Lady Gaga

21st June 2019 - Today is the world music day!

For me, there is music for every occasion. Music is happiness for my soul. I listen to it, to energize me to move my bu** when wanting to do things, to overcome procrastination. When I am feeling down, I listen to peppy Bollywood songs and just can't remain morose for a long time.

I am very very thankful to my parents for paying extra fees for almost 14 yrs to give me special music lessons. So in a way, they gifted me a friend for life! 
I can never be alone when I have music for company. I can do bathroom singing to amuse myself while taking a shower. Hum to entertain myself while waiting in long queues to get some work done. Entertain friends and family in social meets with a song. The ways in which music helps me is endless, it is like the universal healer of all times. Good, bad or mundane.

One of my dearest friends, claims that he can never sing. And I say, that is not true. Everyone can sing, just the quality of voice may differ from person to person. 

In fact, I truly believe everyone should attempt singing, without any hesitation. It is liberating! It need not be a performance for anyone else's benefit. Just try being alone and singing along your favourite singer crooning his/her hit number. It will make you feel alive. (Music is my secret mood elevator.)

You just can't remain unhappy while singing a happy song. Seems highly impossible, I have tried it! It immediately shifts your emotions to a happier beat. (Beware: The opposite is also true, try listening to a really good quality of a sad song, it will move you to some extent in the grey shades of emotions).

As Emory Austin once said, "Some days there won't be a song in your heart. Sing anyway."


La la la, la la!

Thursday 20 June 2019

What does success mean to you?

SUCCESS - It would mean different things to different people. There is no one measure to check its worth. It is ever evolving for each one of us. It’s what most people want yet it seems elusive for one and all.

Some may believe that success is having a huge bank balance. But people with huge bank balances are thinking of more success in terms of more returns for their investments.

Today I want to buy a car, tomorrow I may want a cycle for exercise because that's the in thing to do.  There are all kinds of us. Our wishes have no end, if we don't find contentment in the now.

Over the years I realised below are some essentials for me to feel successful:

1. Breaking free of my comfort zone: If I choose to forgo the comfort of the known and venture into the unknown territory it gives me a high (sometime even lows!).

2. Enjoying the journey as much as my final destination: If I enjoy myself, even while working hard to achieve my goals, then it is a more rewarding experience.

3. Sense of achievement: I set out on achieving something and actually achieve it. The sense of achievement and pride (in a non snob way) is really rewarding.

4. I am healthy: The famous quote “Health is wealth” says it all. When I vibrate health that is the time I am the most happy!

5. Family and friends: I have family and friends, who love me and are rooting for my progress.

6. Giving back to the society: I am not at this stage yet but for me success is when I will be in a position to do good for society or people less privileged.

Wednesday 19 June 2019

Go awayyyyyyyy!

There I was screaming in panic.

"Sushhhhh, go away......Please!!!!" I was trembling.

Almost in tears seeing how helpless I felt.

I was alone at home. My protector, my dearest husband was not at home. These are the moments when I really really thank God with all my heart for this brave and fearless man in my life!

It was as if I had attracted this situation on me. Just a few days back, I had thought, this summer we are lucky not have them in our house!

"Go awayyyyyyyy......!!!!!!" I pleaded sincerely.

Unfortunately our window is open and the aunty, who stays in a building facing us, can see me going crazy.

"Is it a cat?", asked the aunty in concern. Guess she is afraid of cats..

"No worse. It is a very large lizard. And it is crawling on the floor and not on the ceiling". I said.

"Ha ha ha" laughed aunty. She told her husband (who was also peering at me). "It is just a lizard!"

What?  Both of them sipping tea and laughing! It is not a joke..!!!

It is a breach of trust by the lizard community. Lizards are supposed to be on the ceiling, top half of the room. But this one brushed by my feet, on the floor.... Yuckkkkk. And now it was looking at me from a little distance, as if, planning to attack me.

I was panicking like no business. I felt silly doing this but I messaged on my Family Watsapp group: "Please Help!!!! Big lizard at home". I pinged my best friend the same.

I can understand, all my dear ones were busy in office. But I needed urgent help, I was desperate.

I went to another room, locked myself up for the rest of the day.  

I know this makes me look like a loony person. At some level, even I felt I was acting like one.

So I read up a lot on fear. Realised I was not alone. There are people who have irrational fears of some things. Sometimes it is very apparent, like my case. Sometimes it is not.  Some people do not even realise they have some unconscious fears picked up during childhood, which may hold them back in life.

Best part is, Fear is treatable. Understanding and analysing our fears can truly be helpful. As fear is sometimes a subset of stress or anxiety.  According to Psychology Today, Fear is a neurophysiological response to a perceived threat, instantly releasing our fight-or-flight response. A sympathetic approach can lead to cure.  

I had forgotten all about the above episode which happened last summer, a year back. 

Today I write about it because I just now saw a big, black lizard on my window curtain.

I am happy to inform you that, yours truly, equipped with my knowledge of last year's research,  was more peaceful. I calmly looked at the lizard, like really looked at it. It was a little more in length than my palm.

I compassionately told myself, "It is ok. You are allowed to feel fear. But it won't do a thing to you." I willed it to go out of my window. And I went to another room. 

I tried to forget it completely but seems like it is not going away. So I write about it and hopefully then it's out of my mind. (Yes, writing is therapeutic for me!)

So kudos to all of you fighting your fears - looking it in the eye, being kind to self and eventually someday conquering it completely !

Tuesday 18 June 2019


Today is Tuesday. We are not even done with half of our week. But my best friend seemed tired and lacklustre while going to work. I was wondering, how can that happen? There may be many plausible reasons. But knowing this person closely, I know it's because of monotony. 

It's June. Almost 6 months done in this year and this person has not taken a single leave. No, they don't even award "No absenteeism" Award in the corporate world.

Realised that the concept of being sincere in our work has been ingrained in us. If you don't fall sick, you don't miss school, is what our parents largely followed. Which is good but the trend continues as a pattern even when we grow up and join workforce.

The effects of long working hours and burnout are slow to be detected early on. So how do we beat it?

Breaking your pattern is scientifically proven to boost your productivity and creativity.

Changing your routine or adding some spice to it can help too.

If you always listen to music while on commute, for a change try some nice podcast of your favourite subject.

If you work 10 hrs a day almost all the time, for once try to wrap up at noon and take a mini break. Go to a music concert or learn floss dancing at home. 

I know, we love routines and some of them stick to us like second nature. Sometimes it's good to experience a change from the usual so that we also appreciate our routine.

I do that. I am a complete home body. I really like to spend time at home. So whenever I travel for leisure, more than anything else, I return back excited to be back at my haven πŸ‘πŸ’ƒ

Monday 17 June 2019

Missing Souls - Blog 1

She was tall. She was dark and had beautiful sharp features. She met all people with a big big smile and a bear hug.

She was an acquaintance I met just twice in my life. But the impact was huge.

The first time I met her was when she came to visit my mom at our place. She was in her early twenties and I was may be 12 yrs old. I was studying in a convent school. So I have always loved Christmas and Carole singing. In our conversation I casually mentioned that to her and expressed my wish to visit a church sometime as she was Christian.

She readily and instantly agreed to take me with her to the next Sunday Mass. It was then that I met her for the second and the last time. She took me to the church, showed me around. Introduced me to her friends and family.

I keenly observed her. She always smiled from her heart and genuinely greeted everyone. You know, some people really have that electric personality. She reflected true concern for everyone, the oldies from the mass or the youngest kids in the choir. She had good humour and was full of laughter.  
That sure was a fun meeting, a new experience for me!

Over the years, I grew up and changed cities. Got to know that she got married and had a baby boy. I was so happy for her! Our two meetings were enough for me to want life's best for her. 

After a couple of years, once when I was visiting my parents, I happened to open the local newspaper. Imagine a lazy me in my pyjamas, indifferently going through the motions of reading a newspaper (which is very rare, me reading a newspaper).

There it was. A smiling photo of her!

I did a re-take. Was that really her photo?? It should not be! This column is the obituary posts. Nooo!

I ran to my mom, "Is this really her?!"

"Oh.. Yes!" I could see even my mom was taken aback.

She was so young, so meant to live her full youth and beyond.

Some loss of life is totally inexplicable. For me, this is one of them.

I know for sure, she is somewhere out there. A happy angel, spreading her goodness around!

Sunday 16 June 2019

My Favourite Day!

1. Spend time with my loved ones.

2. Pray with all my heart. Have some 'quality time' with my God! Sing bhajans1, decorate my 'Devghar' with fresh flowers.

3. Rest and rejuvenate for my week ahead.

 4. Pursue my hobby.

That's my ideal Sunday. I may not be able to do all the above in one day but I try to have some permutation and combination of above.

What's your Sunday like?

1. Songs with some religious theme or spiritual idea, in regional languages from India. 
2. Specific area where you place the idols of your God/Goddesses.

Saturday 15 June 2019

You are alright!

Life is bright,
And you are alright..

If you are alive and not dead,
If you have a shelter over your head,
If you have a way to earn your bread,

If someone loves you,
Then your life is not askew,

Life is bright,
And you are alright..

If your heart is full of gratitude,
You sure carry the right attitude,

Be there failures or success,
If you are calm nonetheless,

Life is bright,
And you are alright..!

Friday 14 June 2019

My Stress buster!

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"I want a beautiful clean white sand beach with loads of coconut trees on its border.  The ocean should have wonderful green and blue water. And the sky should be perky blue with nice fluffy white clouds like candy floss.

Can you make it?", I asked doubtfully.

"Yes, I will." said Manu with full confidence in his skills.

I forgot all about this episode and life went on as usual.

Then one day, there it was. On my office bulletin board, A painting! Just as I described it.

Manu really made a custom painting for me. Just as I would like it. It was perfect and of extreme quality. One would think he is a seasoned painter!

But Manu was my department's office boy. He was a jolly fellow. But what got me talking to him was his dedication. Every day he would come to office at sharp 8 am before anyone else. Clean the desks, and keep things exactly as they were placed by the desk owner. He was sharp. He was just 18 and joined workforce as office boy to support his family staying in a remote village of India.

In a general conversation, he had told me he could not study due to lack of funds and family responsibility. But had he got a chance, he would have loved to study fine arts. He said he already paints some times and showed me some of his work. It was too good. All sketches, done from simple pencils.

Seeing his amazing talent, I gave him some cardboard paper and a box of crayons that I had. And he was so happy. His face glowed. He asked me if he could paint something for me. And just for fun, I had described my dream holiday destination.

"Manu what is this!!!!???", I exclaimed. I was extremely and pleasantly surprised.

"Sorry Ma'am, I did not understand how to show 'white' sand so had to colour it brown." Manu said with a faint smile.

Oh come on, he thinks I mind that???

I thanked him with all my heart for making my day (and many more that followed). Whenever I was stressed out, I would look at that painting. Imagine I was not in the office but on a beach. And instantly started feeling nice.  

Thursday 13 June 2019

What kills Joy?

Comparison is the thief of joy ~ Theodore Roosevelt

I consider myself very fortunate that my parents never went the comparison way. They had plenty of reasons to. My elder sister, as a kid, had always been a very sincere and hardworking one, always coming first or second in her class. She was the favourite of all our school teachers. Not only did she excel in her studies but was also very good at all the extra-curriculum activities that the school had to offer.

Very big shoes to be filled by me. I unfortunately went to the same school. And have always been average in studies, not interested in extra-currics.

So why did Mr. Roosevelt's  profound thought above ring bells in my head? Because I still have bleak memories of being compared to my dear elder sister by teachers and not liking it a bit. Being educators and facilitators, they had no business seeping outright comparison between siblings. 
Criticising one for not being similar to the other. Each kid is unique with their own strengths and weaknesses. Ideally they should have been the one nurturing that spirit into young tiny minds.

Anyhow, growing up I witnessed many callous elders who time and again committed the mistake of seeping comparison between their own kids, colleagues, relatives etc.

Thanks to them, I have become ultra sensitive about my words and actions. Hopefully 30-40 years later, there should be no one writing a blog about how they saw me hurting sentiments by going into a comparison mode.

As Snow White, from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, once said "Remember, you're the one who can fill the world with Sunshine".

Wednesday 12 June 2019


They say, forgiveness actually frees you from all negative emotions like hurt, anger, blame and even hatred in some extreme situations. And I want to be free.

I am at this stage of life where I don't really carry any grudges towards anyone. But having a good memory makes it difficult to forget certain people who caused extreme discomfort to me with their behaviour.  

As Maya Angelou famously said  "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."

Being the extreme "feeling" person, I still struggle to forget certain people and the way they made me feel. So how do I forgive?

After a lot of contemplation, I realised that whoever it is - If they smile, they look good.  So recently I got into this weird habit of remembering people I marginally dislike and trying to forgive them by visualizing their smiling faces.

There is something charming in a true (mind you not fake), beautiful smile. It makes you feel really good. If you smile or you see someone else smiling, it does release some happy hormones.   

 Definition of smile (noun) According to Merriam Webster:

1 : A facial expression in which the eyes brighten and the corners of the mouth curve slightly upward and which expresses especially amusement, pleasure, approval.

2 : A pleasant or encouraging appearance.

To prove my point, I even dug out some photos of Hilter smiling. If you look at these photos without associating his deeds, even he looks good.

So let's keep smiling, who knows when someone will start liking (or forgiving) you because of it!
Also, who doesn't want some extra 'likes' in today's age? πŸ‘

Tuesday 11 June 2019

Who Am I?

Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom ~ Aristotle

I am majorly fascinated by all the people who say they are living a life of purpose. Or who follow their passions and create a life they really love.

My conditioning has been from the old school of thought where you get yourself educated, get a nice job, buy your own house and save for your retirement. Not that it was fed into me by my parents or guardians but this is what everyone around mostly did. The difference was some people did very well in their jobs and settled early on. And sometimes they did not.

I come from the second category. I am currently on a career break and trying to find my reins back to the "working class". Having said that I also have plenty of time to read up on people, their lives and analyse the same (yes, I am really interested in all kinds of people and their life stories). It's like I'm trying to find clues as to how do I turn around my current lack of work/passion and get on to something which inspires me to get up each morning.

And after reading ton loads of material, life experiences, I realised the first thing I have to do is know myself.

Know myself??!! Well it's easier said than done.

Yes, I know that my favourite colour is Red (sometimes peach or sometimes even black). My favourite snack is Pani Puri and I like Bollywood movies, a complete desi ☺☺

But it seems, knowing these trivialities is not knowing yourself. This is just the outwardly thing. It has to be deeper and more meaningful. The more I read about all great and successful people knowing themselves, the more panicky I became.

So for now, I have concluded that I do not know myself. Peace. 

I have to dig deeper. And I will. Amen! 
P.S: If you are anyone like me, wanting to know yourself better, I highly recommend the Myers Briggs test. It really helped me better understand myself and why I react to things differently than the people around me.

Monday 10 June 2019

Blog Experiment!

Today I saw a YouTube interview of a person who really strikes a right cord with me. She appealed to people to never let our own self be the reason of our failure or a limiting factor in building our beautiful future.  And this got me thinking.

Why do I procrastinate on my blog?  

It's not that someone is putting me on a gun point and asking me to blog. I started it with my own free will. Then why the sudden aloofness in posting and continuing the journey of blogging? Because I listened to my own self criticism. I felt that I was not good enough to be putting my thoughts or creating some work of fiction.

Come to think of it, the other day, my phone had below 2 messages:

 "Consistency is the key!"

"Finish what you started!"

This comes from my dear friend and only consistent blog reader. I am kind of shaken with her honest appeal!

Sometimes you really need a bestie who pulls you out of your reverie or procrastination in my case.

So today I pledge myself to take on the 21 day blog challenge, I will put out something every day for the next 21 days. Let's see if it becomes a habit then!

Happy Reading :)